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About The Author
Rosemary Estry

Rosemary Bohn Estry Is the architect, founder, and author of Me-sizing, Stations, and Home-Based Infrastructure. She is the engineering authority, coach, trainer, and consultant on how to create your best life with MSI.

Rosemary believes anyone can do anything given a bit of knowledge, a few (hard and soft) tools, and a mentor who believes in them enough to cheer them on. When not working on getting wise tips to the world, she strategically collects new ways to help anyone tweak life and create movement. Rosemary is an insightful analyst, an efficient worker bee, and a loyal supporter of those needing a life boost. She spots and solves problems: a troubleshooter delighted to help freedom ring for all.

As a farm girl, addicted learner, and loyal teammate, Rosemary is an entrepreneur who homeschooled her kids and has led and inspired children, youth, adults, and seniors throughout her life. She has formal training in Early Childhood Education and International Ministries, with significant experience in Natural Foods sales and marketing. Her years of Senior Caregiving have been a good launching pad for creating life in any home. Rosemary has uncanny insights for moving and relocating people that have been sharpened for decades. Her expertise has grown into helping businesses relocate quickly and function more efficiently going forward.

This broad savvy impassions her to help overcome obstacles to vital living by implementing order, designing peace, and igniting creativity. Above all things, she pursues intimate, loyal, and thriving relationships with her family, friends, clients, and God.
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